Unleashed (Wolf Spring Chronicles #1) by Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguié

Format: Paperback
Pages: 383
Publisher: 8th Dec 2011
Publisher: DoubleDay Childrens
Source: Publisher for Review*
Genre: YA Paranormal
Buy: Book Depository I Amazon UK I Amazon US

Katelyn McBride’s life changed in an instant when her mother died. Uprooted from her California home, Katelyn was shipped to the middle of nowhere, Arkansas, to her only living relative, her grandfather. And now she has to start over in Wolf Springs, a tiny village in the Ozark Mountains. Like any small town, Wolf Springs has secrets. But the secrets hidden here are more sinister than Katelyn could ever imagine. It’s a town with a history that reaches back centuries, spans continents, and conceals terrifying truths. And Katelyn McBride is about to change everything.

Broken families, ageless grudges, forced alliances, and love that blooms in the darkest night—welcome to Wolf Springs.

Unleashed was my first book by Nancy and Debbie. I have heard of their books before but never got around to reading them. So when I got a chance to read this book early I jumped at the chance. I have been eying it up since I first heard about her and I am so so so happy I read it.

Katelyn McBride's has her entire life turned upside down when her mother dies. She has to go live with her grandfather in the middle of nowhere. However, Wolf Springs isn't what it seems and soon hidden secrets are revealed. And Katelyn is faced with a frightening situation that will change her life forever.

I admit I wasn't hooked on this book straight away. I found it a tab slow and familiar. Yes, it reminded me a little of twilight at the start. But only near the start. Katelyn or Kat I didn't love. I just couldn't connect to her. I still really enjoyed reading about her I just couldn't get the connection I usually get with main characters. She is well balanced, good at school but likes to have fun. But sometimes she comes across very whiny. Now I know she is trying to get over her mum's death and that would be hard for anyone and I felt for her I really did. But I just couldn't connect. She did grow on me. Especially when she was around Trick. They just fit together perfectly. He is adorable and is there to protected Kat when ever she needs him. However, Kat befriends Cordelia who seems nice but is clearly hidding something. Cordelia and Trick don't like each other and I don't think if it was even explained why? (If it was let me know via email I may have simmed over it lol)

There are quite a few characters in the novel and apart from the three I mention there is another one who really stands out. Justin. He is Cordelia's cousin and him and Kat have this connection. They are drawn to each. He can't resist her and I am really excited to see how that plays out.

Even though I wasn't that impressed with the Kat as a main character the storyline sure makes up for. WoW, it fantastic! I loved how it just gradually unravels and secrets are revealed along the way. It's fast paced and different. I loved the mythology behind the wolves and how the packs work. However, the start reminded me of Twilight. Not in a bad way I love me some Twilight. And it was only at the start. The rest of the book is nothing like it and what an ending! Seriously can't wait for book 2!

Unleashed is full of suspence, family drama, myths and of course romance! And what YA paranormal isn't complete with a love triangle? Yes, I think we are going to see a very interesting love triangle develop as the serious continues. All I am going to leave you with is a question:

Team Trick or Team Justin?

*Thank you DoubleDay/Random house for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review

Rate: 4/5


  1. Great review! I am team both! LOL

    Though there's something a little extra about Justin that draws me to him ;)

  2. I know! I really love Trick, he so so sweet but Justin... I can't even explain why I like him lol

  3. Sounds very intriguing ! Haven't read it so don't know what team.


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